The following is a sample four year plan outlining only the required courses for the prescribed major and does not include electives, minors, certificates, etc which can be added upon advisement. Courses requiring skill assessment such as music theory and dance can be taken at a higher level earlier in study.

Freshman Year

MUPI 410 Private Musical Theatre Voice Instruction
MUS 101* Fundamentals of Music Theory (take an elective if you test out)
MUS 470 or MUS 470B University Singers or Chamber Choir or (by audition)
DR 101 Theatre I (Intro to American realism)
DR 104 Theatre II (Intro to technical theatre)
DR 115, 115A Acting the Song I, Acting the Song II
DR 116 Voice 1A Speech and the Actor I
DR 206 Introduction to Acting
DR 199A, DR 199B Crew Credit
DNCE XXX Ballet (level by assessment)
DNCE XXX Tap or Jazz (level by assessment)
ENG 101 Writing: Logic and Rhetoric
TRS XXX Foundations in Theology I
PHIL 201, 202 The Classical Mind, The Modern Mind

Sophomore Year

MUPI 410 Private Musical Theatre Voice Instruction
MUS 121, 122 Ear Training and Sight Singing I, II*
MUS 123, 124 Harmony I, II*
MUS 183 or MUS 184 Class Piano (you do not take this if you test out)
MUS 470 or MUS 470B University Singers or Chamber Choir or (by audition)
DR XXX Acting Elective (any acting course)
DR XXX Drama Elective (any drama course)
DR 215, 215A Movement for Theatre
DR 201, 202, 305 or MUS 459 Theatre Topics I, II, III, or History of 20th-Century Directing
DNCE XXX Ballet (level by assessment)
DNCE XXX Tap or Jazz (level by assessment)
DR 199C, 199D Crew Credit
TRS 202A or 202B Foundations in Theology II


Junior Year

MUPI 410 Private Musical Theatre Voice Instruction
MUPI 210A Junior Recital Coaching
MUS 470 or MUS 470B University Singers or Chamber Choir or (by audition)
DR XXX Acting Elective (any acting course)
DR XXX Drama Elective (any drama course)
DR 201, 202, 305 or MUS 459 Theatre Topics I, II, III, or History of 20th-Century Directing
DR 399MT Junior Solo Musical Theatre Recital (30 minutes)
DR 315, 315A Pop and Contemporary Vocal Styles for the Theatre Performer
DR 385, 386 History of Musical Theatre I & II
DR 495A Musical Theatre Internship
DNCE 115, 215 Theatre Dance I, II
Elective XXX Math/Natural Science Elective
ENG XXX Literature Elective

Senior Year


MUPI 410 Private Musical Theatre Voice Instruction
MUPI 210 Senior Recital Coaching
MUS 470 or MUS 470B University Singers or Chamber Choir or (by audition)
DR XXX Acting Elective (any acting course)
DR 450 Buisness of Theatre
DR 488* Senior Showcase (DC and NYC)
DR 495A Musical Theatre Internship
DR 499MT Senior Solo Musical Theatre Recital (60 minutes)
DNCE 114, 214 Modern Dance I, II
Elective XXX Social Science Elective
Elective XXX Free Elective

* These courses are taken by most Musical Theatre students but are not required for graduation

The above plan is a sample arrangement of required classes and should not be used as an official degree audit.  Students will meet with their major advisor to plan out a custom path that meets their needs and allows them to study various electives of interest.