Dr. Ivo Kaltchev, head and adviser for graduate students in piano performance (Kaltchev@cua.edu)

Dr. Nikita Fitenko, adviser for undergraduate piano performance majors, collaborative piano majors, piano pedagogy majors; and graduate students in chamber music, vocal accompanying, and piano pedagogy (Fitenko@cua.edu)


Audition Requirements

A student who has had a leave of absence for four consecutive semesters must re-audition. The requirements for the re-audition are the same as those for the initial audition.



For BM and MM students, a jury is required for each semester of piano study that is required by the student’s curriculum.  A jury is not required if the student does not need the credit for graduation.


Performance Venues

With the exception of DMA candidates, students may perform degree recitals off campus provided they have successfully passed the recital hearing.  A printed copy of the program must be given to the student’s adviser for placement in the file. 


Recital Hearings

Hearings for degree recitals should be no less than two weeks prior to the recital. 


Clarification of MUPI Credits


Graduate and Undergraduate Majors and Principals
  • 1 credit = 5 hours;
  • 2 credits = 9 hours,
  • 3 credits = 14 hours
Secondary students and minors
  • 1 credit = 14 half-hours,
  • 3 credits = 14 hours


Repertoire Classes

Each teacher will provide information to students about individual policies regarding attendance/performance in repertoire classes. 

  • Incompletes are to be used only in extreme circumstances.
  • Students should regularly read the bulletin board for important announcements. 


Bachelor of Music/Master of Music

Grading System

50% of the grade comes from the private teacher; 50% comes from the performance in the jury.  End of semester jury is not required for those who have successfully passed a degree recital hearing during the same semester. 


Master of Music

Entrance Recital

Piano performance majors are required to complete an entrance recital prior to receiving graduate credit for applied piano study.

Concerto and Chamber Music Recital (Piano Performance Majors)

A hearing is not required for the concerto performance or chamber music recital.

Chamber Music Recital

Repertoire for this recital must be a major work for piano and must be performed in its entirety. 


Doctorate of Musical Arts

Entrance Examinations

All candidates are required to take entrance examinations at the beginning the degree program.  The curriculum that is designed for the DMA candidate is based on the candidate’s performance on these written examinations.  Transfer students must also take these examinations at the beginning of their residency.

All DMA candidates are required to play an entrance recital during the first week of residency.  The candidate’s adviser will assign the repertoire 30 days prior to the recital and it will be chosen from the repertoire list submitted by the candidate. 

In addition to the written examinations and entrance recital, candidates in solo performance and piano pedagogy must take exams in sight reading, chamber music, and prepare an assigned piece in 24 hours.  All information regarding these tests will be given to the candidate by the adviser.

Piano Instruction

Candidates are permitted to take as many credits in piano as they wish, and must be enrolled for private instruction the semesters during which degree recitals are performed. 


(70 minutes total—approximately 35 minutes for lecture and 35 minutes for performing.)   The topic of the lecture recital must be approved by the faculty committee before work is begun.   The finished version of the paper must be submitted to all committee members two weeks prior to the recital.  The paper that is submitted to the committee and the lecture must be the same.  A copy of the lecture should be submitted to the library upon successful completion of the recital.

Repertoire List 
(Please note that the repertoire list is no longer required for new students)

At the beginning of the course of study, all candidates will receive a repertoire list from their adviser.  Works on this list may be checked off in a number of ways:

  • audio tape (video tape for those works that must be performed from memory)
  • performance in a lesson or repertoire class
  • performance in recital, either on-campus or off-campus (for works performed off-campus, a copy of the recital program must be submitted)