for our Summer Program is a three step process:
- What level are you applying for? Visiting Graduate
- What type of applicaton? Visiting
- What is your academic school? Summer credit graduate
- Enter the term: Summer 2025
- Are you applying for the summer music offerings in the Rome School of Music, Drama, and Art? Yes
- For which summer offerings in Music are you intending to register? Choose Ward Course Level I, II, III or Gregorian Chant Practicum.
- Are you taking your course for credit or taking the non credit workshop? Choose credit or non credit workshop. (If you are taking the non-credit workshop course, the request for the transcript will be waived after you submit the application.)
- There is a $25 application fee required for submission of the application. (This fee is required even if you have previously applied and been accepted to our program during a previous summer term.)
- Once you are admitted to the program, you will receive an email asking you to accept the offer of admission.
If you intend to participate in the course, then you will need to click on the link in this email which will return you to the admissions portal. There you will be able to "accept" the offer of admission. (It is important that you do this step because you will not move to the next step to be admitted as a visiting student without first accepting the offer of admission.)
- You will now receive an email from Tech Services which will contain your CUA Student ID and your CUA Username. (If you do not receive this email within two days of accepting your offer of admission, please check your spam folder to see if the email from Tech Services was sent to spam.) (Returning students who have enrolled in our summer program in the past, will NOT receive an email as you already have CUA credentials. If you are returning to our program, you will need to use your old CUA username/id and reset your password in order to get back into the system.)
- Please wait 24 hours after receiving the email from Tech Services to continue to registration.
- Log in to Cardinal Students using your CUA username and password. (If you have technical difficulty logging in to Cardinal Students, try resetting your password.)
- In Cardinal Students go to the "Manage Classes" tile on the homepage.
- Next, go to the "Student Account" tile, look on the left side of the screen, and accept financial responsibility. (You will need to acccept financial responsibility even if you have been offered and accepted a scholarship for the course or workshop.)
- Return to the "Manage Classes" tile on the homepage and register for the course.
- If you have any questions or concerns throughout the registration process, please contact the director, at
Returning Students:
If you are returning this summer to take another course in our program you still need to apply for admission for this current year by following the steps above. You will NOT, however, receive an email (see Acceptance of Admission, Step 3 above) as you already have CUA credentials. If you are returning to our program, you will need to use your old CUA username/id and reset your password in order to get back into the system.
If you are in need of Room and Board, this can be found through our reserved block of rooms at the Theological College at 410 Michigan Avenue NE.
Please contact the Director, Amy Zuberbueler, at for pricing and to be placed on the room reservation list. The room reservation list will be given to the Theolgoical College on May 16, 2025 and the final update will occur on June 16, 2025. To request accommodations for individuals with disabilities, or if you have any further questions, please contact the director.